PTI Chairman Imran Khan addressing the Seerat un Nabi (PBUH) conference in Islamabad. — Facebook/ImranKhan


PTI Chairman Imran Khan addressing the Seerat un Nabi (PBUH) conference in Islamabad. — Facebook/ImranKhan
  • Khan says as he learned more about life of Holy Prophet (PBUH), he started overcoming his fears.
  • Ex-PM says he used to fear people would make fun of him during initial political days.
  • PTI chief says respect Allah bestowed upon him within last six months has been unprecedented.”

PTI Chairman and former prime minister Imran Khan on Sunday said that he overcame the fear of death after he became a politician.

Khan, while addressing the Seerat un Nabi (PBUH) conference in Islamabad, said that when he initially joined the field of politics, everyone discouraged him from doing so, saying that he would feel humiliated later on.

“However, as I continued learning more about the life of the Holy Prophet (PBUH), I started overcoming my fears,” he said.

Recalling his initial days in politics, Khan said that he used to fear that people would make fun of him, so much so that he was unable to deliver speeches before a crowd. 

“Slowly and gradually, my fears eroded, especially the fear of humiliation,” he said. 

Khan said that as he progressed in politics and his popularity among the masses grew, his opponents started using various tactics to sabotage his success. 

“Personal attacks were hurled at me and even my family was not spared,” the PTI chief said, adding that he overcame the fear of death by becoming a politician. 

In a bid to motivate his followers, Khan said that fear always hinders a person’s growth. “You have to drive the fear out of your mind.”

Describing how he achieved success even after his ouster in April following a vote of no-confidence, the PTI chairman said: “The kind of respect Allah bestowed me within the last six months has been unprecedented for me.”

“This is because honour and humiliation are in God’s hands,” he said.

He then told his followers that a person should never be self-centred because that leads to arrogance.

“A person who lives for themselves becomes a small person,” Khan maintained.

Explaining the reasons behind people choosing the wrong path in their lives, the cricketer-turned-politician said that people engage in forbidden practices for the fear of losing their sources of livelihood.

“Unfortunately, I have not seen rules of law in Pakistan,” he said, adding that the absence of rule of law aggravates the situation. 

Citing the example of Britain, the PTI chief said that even members of the royal family are not above the law.

“A traffic constable in England issued a fine to a prince, while the former British primer was expelled from office for not following the coronavirus protocols,” he said. 

Khan then talked about the State of Madinah and said: “The principles of justice and fairness became popular in Madinah first before it started seeing  prosperity.”

Talking about the importance of Seerat un Nabi (PBUH) for Muslims, the PTI chief said that children need to be taught the Prophet’s biography in schools.

“God does not change the condition of a nation that does not try to change itself,” Khan stressed, adding that a person does not need any educational qualification or an academic degree to become a true lover of the Holy Prophet (PBUH). 

He told his followers that free minds do great things, while those suffering from mental slavery cannot invent anything.

“Free minds create new inventions, slaves cannot do that,” Khan said. “Those who truly believe, Allah removes fears from their hearts.”


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