‘Stop them!’ Police urged to arrest and fine those ‘selfishly’ ignoring lockdown rules:   Police officers have the powers to fine anyone caught breaching the coronavirus lockdown rules and Express.co.uk readers have urged the force to strictly enforce the rules over the coming weeks. An exclusive poll carried out from 2pm-8pm on April 10, asked: “Should police arrest and fine those ignoring rules?” 4,684 people responded and the vast majority backed the force to enforce the lockdown measures strictly.   83 percent of respondents (3,870 people) voted “yes” in the poll, while 16 percent (754 people) opted for “no”.   Just one percent (60 people) responded “don’t know”.   Readers then took to the comments to urge the force to strictly enforce the Government’s lockdown rules, with one person writing: “Police need to stop them from breaking the lockdown before it’s too late!”   Another user hit out at those flouting the rules and said: “The people who break the rules are the ones responsible for prolonging ‘lockdown’ and causing more deaths. It’s as simple as that.”   A third person simply asked: “What would be the point of having a lockdown if a few morons are allowed to break it?”   Other readers suggested those who break the rules should be heavily fined by the police.   One person said: “Quite right and sadly there is no vaccine against ignorance and selfishness either.   “Catch them and throw a heavy fine at them.”   A second user agreed, and said: “People who selfishly ignore the rules should be dealt with harshly, because they are prolonging the agony of the nation.”   One person warned: “Careless walks cost lives. It’s as simple as that.”   Another user pointed out the laws had been introduced for a reason, and wrote: “There is no point in passing a law and giving the police powers if they aren’t used.   “They will never stop the hardcore from rule breaking (otherwise prisons would be empty) however they keep the rest of us on the straight and narrow.”   One person suggested the police were doing a good job at stopping people from breaking the lockdown rules.   They said: “I live in a tourist area and we don’t want people flooding the area and bringing the virus with them, thankfully the police are already stopping people doing so and turning them back.”   But some people weren’t happy with the police’s new enforcement powers.   One person said: “As long as people observe the distancing guidelines there should be no need for heavy handed police interference.   “We don’t live in a dystopian police state, YET!”   Another user agreed and said the police powers were “a step too far”.   They wrote: “Supporting such draconian measures when the evidence for sitting on a beach or park on your own on the grass says there is no risk to anyone, how can they justify this?   “We can take a walk around our local area for exercise, but as soon as we sit down we are breaking the law! Am afraid this is a step too far.”

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