Imran Khan condemned the PDM government for raiding the house of Senator Saifullah Nyazee. File photo


Imran Khan condemned the PDM government for raiding the house of Senator Saifullah Nyazee. File photo
  • Imran Khan condemns the coalition government for increasing harassment of the PTI people. 
  • He flays the government for raiding the house of Senator Saifullah Nyazee. 
  • Says the government, on the one hand, sermonises to stop politics for flood relief, but on the other hand, it steps up persecution of the PTI people. 

Chairman Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Imran Khan has brushed aside the proposal of the coalition government to hold off doing politics as the country is reeling from flash floods.

“On the one hand, the imported government is asking the PTI to stop doing politics. On the other hand, they are increasingly harassing us and filing false cases against us,” Imran Khan tweeted late Tuesday.

In his Twitter statement, Imran said there would be consequences of marginalising the PTI. The PTI chief described the incumbent government’s harassment of the PTI, saying that Senator Saifullah Nyazee’s house was raided and his phone and computer were taken away.

Imran Khan said that the imported government and handlers are pushing the PTI against the wall. The government is lodging fake cases against the PTI and persecuting journalists who support the PTI by presenting its views justly.

“Furthermore, the government is stepping up efforts to block the telecast of my speeches and statements on news channels and YouTube,” said Imran.

He said that in its desperation, the government blacked out the PTI’s telethon to collect donations for flood relief.

In an earlier tweet, the former premier raised the same issues and asked Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif if he was responsible for all such actions against the PTI.

PM Sharif, responding to Imran Khan’s tweet, said his government has no time for these things as it is currently busy with relief efforts for the flood affectees. 


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