PTI Chairman Imran Khan addresses party workers on the 27th foundation of his party in Lahore, on April 25, 2023. — Instagram/imrankhan.pti


PTI Chairman Imran Khan addresses party workers on the 27th foundation of his party in Lahore, on April 25, 2023. — Instagram/imrankhan.pti
  • Imran Khan says PTI to be in power on its 28th anniversary.
  • PTI chief believes only his party can fix woes of the country.
  • “I hope our country comes out of quagmire it is in next year.”

Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan said Tuesday that on the next foundation day of his party, it would be in power — as he campaigns for the upcoming elections in Punjab.

Punjab’s polls have been marred by controversy as the government has rejected Supreme Court’s order — issued on PTI’s petition — to hold the elections on May 14, while the date for Khyber Pakhtunkhwa’s elections is yet to be announced.

The Pakistan Democratic Movement, which is in power in the centre, has stressed that elections to the national and provincial assemblies should be held simultaneously.

In this regard, the top court is still hearing a petition and has asked all political parties to decide a date for the elections. The government will meet tomorrow and inform the court about the decision the next day.

“On the 28th anniversary of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf, you will be in power,” Khan said during his address via video link to the workers on the party’s 27th foundation day.

Khan founded the PTI on April 25, 1996, in Lahore. The party won its first seat during the 2002 elections when the deposed prime minister won the National Assembly seat of Mianwali.

In the address, Khan asked his workers to work for “real freedom”, noting that prosperity comes through justice, democracy, and freedom.

“If there is any political force that can fix all the woes of the country, it is PTI,” Khan — who was ousted as the prime minister in April last year through a no-confidence motion — said.

The PTI chief stressed that whoever wins elections, wins them through fair means — a response to his political opponents who have said that even if the polls are held earlier than scheduled, Khan won’t accept the results.

“We will come into power through public mandate. I hope that our country comes out of the quagmire it is in next year,” the former prime minister said.

Khan said when his party came into power in the centre in 2018, the then-opposition called PTI “selected”. But now, he said: “I want to tell them: come to the battleground; the establishment is also backing you.”


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