Ubaid ur Rehman Nizamani, Head of Mission to Kabul was attacked on Friday by unknown armed men. — Twitter/@PakinAfg


Ubaid ur Rehman Nizamani, Head of Mission to Kabul was attacked on Friday by unknown armed men. — Twitter/@PakinAfg
  • US offers sympathies, wishes quick recovery to those affected. 
  • Ned Price says US is ‘deeply concerned’ by attack on diplomat.
  • UN Security Council condemns attack in “strongest terms”.

US State Department Spokesperson Ned Price Saturday called for a “full and transparent” investigation into the assassination attack on Pakistan’s Head of Mission to Kabul Ubaid-ur-Rehman Nizamani.

A day earlier, Nizamani escaped an assassination bid after the embassy’s compound in Kabul came under attack targeting the head of mission. However, a security guard Sepoy Israr Mohammad was injured in the attack while protecting the envoy. 

The statement issued by the Foreign Office said that “by the grace of Allah Almighty, the head of mission is safe”.

Price, while speaking in a daily press conference, said: “We offer our sympathies and wish a quick recovery to those affected by the violence. 

“The United States is deeply concerned by the attack on a foreign diplomat, and we call for a full and transparent investigation,” he added.

UNSC condemns attack in ‘strongest terms’

Moreover, the UN Security Council also condemned the attack in the “strongest terms” and called for ensuring the safety of diplomatic and consular premises.

The 15-member council wished a speedy and full recovery to the security guard who was critically injured in the “reprehensible” attack.

It also underscored the need for bringing the perpetrators of the attack to justice. 

“The members of the Security Council called on all relevant parties to respect and ensure the safety and security of diplomatic and consular premises and personnel of United Nations Member States,” it said.

“The members of the Security Council stressed the fundamental principle of the inviolability of diplomatic and consular premises, and the obligations on receiving States under the 1961 Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations and the 1963 Vienna Convention on Consular Relations, to take all appropriate steps to protect diplomatic and consular premises against any intrusion or damage and to prevent any disturbance of the peace of these missions or impairment of their dignity and any attack on diplomatic premises, agents and consular officers,” read the statement.

“The members of the Security Council underlined the need to hold perpetrators, organisers, financiers, and sponsors of these reprehensible acts of terrorism accountable and bring them to justice.

“They urged all States, in accordance with their obligations under international law and relevant Security Council resolutions, to cooperate actively with all relevant authorities.”

Pakistan to step up security of diplomats

Meanwhile, Pakistan’s Special Representative for Afghanistan Mohammad Sadiq Saturday said that the Government of Pakistan will provide resources to further enhance the security of our diplomats following the assassination attempt at the envoy.

Taking to Twitter, Sadiq said that Pakistani security guard Sepoy Israr Mohammad, who sustained injuries in an attack for saving the mission head in Kabul, was taken to Combined Military Hospital (CMH) in a special plane last night.

“Sepoy Israr Mohammad, who took bullets on chest to protect our Ambassador in Kabul was evacuated to CMH Peshawar last night by a special plane. Israr displayed extraordinary courage & devotion to duty: salute to this brave son of the soil – a true mujahid. Get well soon Israr!”

Moreover, Ambassador Sadiq said that Nizamani and his team are working in an “extraordinarily challenging situation”, stating that the security of members is to be prioritised the most.

“First and foremost, the Afghan Interim Government will need to beef up the security of our Embassy and its personnel,” he added.

“Govt [Government] of Pakistan will also provide necessary resources to further enhance the security of our diplomats to ensure continued and effective discharge of duties by them in the most important foreign Capital for Pakistan,” the ambassador continued to say. 


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