Dr Ghulam Ali Mallah (centre) holds up a certificate with a QR code with his IT team on April 30, 2023. — Twitter/@mallahghulamali


Dr Ghulam Ali Mallah (centre) holds up a certificate with a QR code with his IT team on April 30, 2023. — Twitter/@mallahghulamali 

The Inter Board Committee of Chairmen (IBCC) Karachi office has also started the process of verification of credentials through Quick Response (QR) code, IBCC Secretary Dr Ghulam Ali Mallah announced on Sunday.

Taking to Twitter, Dr Mallah shared: “After Islamabad and Lahore, the IBCC Karachi office has also started the process of verification of credentials through QR code, which was inaugurated by Secretary IBCC Dr Ghulam Ali Mallah along with his IT team at the regional office today.”

At the inauguration ceremony, the IBCC secretary said that all the work was being computerised so that “people’s worries can be reduced and transparency can be brought”.

He further said that the process would save the millions of rupees the IBCC spent on printing tickets.

Moreover, he said, the move would make it easier for institutions and universities within or outside the country to be able to self-verify students’ credentials through mobile phones.

“This process will close all avenues of fake authentication as this ticket cannot be used by anyone else,” he shared.

Speaking to Geo News, Dr Mallah shared that with the introduction of the verification codes, there will be no need for institutions to reach out to the IBCC for verification, as “all the information will be available on the QR.”

He further added that the QR code would preclude the possibility of students taking faking their verification, as the previously used stickers could be taken off and put on other documents.

On Saturday, the IBCC secretary tweeted: “Planning for QR Code based Attestation system at the IBCC Karachi office.”

Islamabad and Lahore IBCC offices have already begun verifying documents via QR codes.

Earlier, in 2020, the IBCC announced that it had started the online verification of equivalency and attestation of certificates.

The decision was taken to automate all the processes to ensure transparency and improve efficiency in service delivery. To ensure the quality of equivalence certificates, QR codes were printed on these certificates.


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