Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Hina Rabbani Khar. — Reuters/File


Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Hina Rabbani Khar. — Reuters/File
  • Hina Rabbani Khar in Paris to attend FATF meeting.
  • Meets President of Foreign Affairs Commission at French NA.
  • Meets group of French intellectuals, members of think tanks, scholars.

State Minister for Foreign Affairs Hina Rabbani Khar is in Paris to attend a meeting of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), The News reported. 

The minister led the Pakistani delegation to Paris, where they met the President of the Foreign Affairs Commission at the French National Assembly, Jean-Louis Bourlanges on Monday. Pak-France bilateral relations, parliamentary cooperation, floods in Pakistan, climate change and regional and global issues were discussed at the meeting.

Meanwhile, Khar also met a group of French intellectuals, members of think tanks, and scholars at the Pakistani Embassy in Paris.

“The first FATF Plenary under the two-year Singapore Presidency of T Raja Kumar will take place on October 20-21, 2022,” said the Paris-based global watchdog on dirty money.

Delegates representing 206 members of the Global Network and observer organisations, including the International Monetary Fund, the United Nations, the World Bank, Interpol and the Egmont Group of Financial Intelligence Units, will participate in the Working Group and Plenary meetings in Paris.

At the conclusion of the two-day deliberations, decisions of the plenary would be announced. The plenary will also focus on jurisdictions identified as presenting a risk to the international financial system, with an update to public statements that identify jurisdictions as high risk or being subject to increased monitoring besides other key issues, including guidance on improving beneficial ownership transparency to prevent shell companies and other opaque structures from being used to launder illicit funds.

Pakistan was included among jurisdictions under an increased monitoring list in June 2018 for deficiencies in its legal, financial, regulatory, investigations, prosecution, judicial and non-government sectors to fight money laundering and combat terror financing considered a serious threat to the global financial system.

Islamabad made high-level political commitments to address these deficiencies under a 27-point action plan. But later the number of action points was enhanced to 34. The country had since been vigorously working with FATF and its affiliates to strengthen its legal and financial systems against money laundering and terror financing to meet international standards in line with the 40 recommendations of the FATF.

A 15-member joint delegation of the FATF and its Sydney-based regional affiliate — Asia Pacific Group — paid an onsite visit to Pakistan from Aug 29 to Sept 2 to verify the country’s compliance with the 34-point action plan committed with the FATF.

The authorities that had kept the countrywide visit of the delegation low profile later termed it “a smooth and successful visit”. The delegation had detailed discussions with relevant agencies pursuant to the authorisation of an Onsite Visit by the FATF Plenary in June 2022.

According to the Foreign Office, the focus of the visit was to validate on the ground Pakistan’s high-level commitment and sustainability of reforms in the AML/CFT regime and [it] looked forward to a logical conclusion to the evaluation process. The report of the FATF Onsite team will be discussed in FATF’s International Cooperation Review Group and plenary meetings.

Pakistan believed that as a result of strenuous and consistent efforts over the past four years, it has not only achieved a high degree of technical compliance with FATF standards but also ensured a high level of effectiveness through the implementation of two comprehensive FATF action plans.

In June this year, FATF had found Pakistan “compliant or largely compliant” on all 34 points and had decided to field an onsite mission to verify it on the ground before formally announcing the country’s exit from the grey list that finally took place in August and September.

In terms of technical compliance with FATF standards, Pakistan has been rated by APG as “compliant or largely compliant” in 38 out of 40 FATF recommendations in August this year, which placed the country among the top compliant countries in the world.

The completion of the FATF/APG action plan for the effectiveness of AML/CFT was also a structural benchmark of the IMF for end-March 2022 and was achieved in June with a minor delay. The government had given a commitment to the IMF to review by end-June 2022 the implementation of AML/CFT controls by financial institutions with respect to the tax amnesty programme for the construction sector and promised to “meet the timelines for the implementation of APG’s 2021 Action Plan, including on the mutual legal assistance framework, AML/CFT supervision, transparency of beneficial ownership information, and compliance with targeted financial sanctions for proliferation financing”.


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