Former Punjab Chief Minister Parvez Elahi’s house in Lahore was raided by a heavy contingent of police on Friday. The police cordoned off the Chaudhary Zahoor Elahi Road outside the residence during the operation.
An armoured personnel carrier (APC) of police broke the main gate of the residence. Seven individuals, reportedly all servants working in the household of former Punjab Chief Minister, have been arrested by the police from his residence.
According to Elahi’s lawyer, the police officials intended to arrest his client, despite his having been granted bail in the case. Officials from the anti-corruption department demanded to see the court’s bail order during the raid.
Speaking to the media, Elahi’s lawyer, Amir Saeed, stated that Justice Tariq Saleem Shaikh had granted his client pre-arrest bail until May 6. Saeed added that the order of the high court is always received on the next day. “We have made them talk to the court’s official over the issue,” he said.
Before the raid, stones were reportedly thrown at police officers from inside Elahi’s house, and water was also poured on them.
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