Concentration on self-dependence vital for country’s economic revival: PM Kakar


Caretaker Prime Minister Anwaar-ul-Haq Kakar on Tuesday urged all the sectors to concentrate all of their attention and energies on achieving self-dependence which was inevitable to put the country’s economy on course to revival.

The prime minister, chairing a meeting of the Gilgit Baltistan cabinet here during his two-day visit, advised the GB government to fully exploit the potential of the cultivable land of the region instead of depending on the government’s subsidy.

In the meeting, the prime minister was apprised of different issues including the non-provision of the subsidy on the wheat crop. The prime minister assured the GB leadership of the federal government’s all-out cooperation.

In the meeting, proposals were put forward to improve the performance of the GB police as well as enhancement of investment and business activities in the region.

The prime minister directed the relevant authorities to formulate a comprehensive strategy for GB’s economic revival.

In the briefing, it was highlighted that the resolution of most of the GB issues was linked with the investment in the region.

Discussing the law and order situation, Prime Minister Kakar said the protection of every citizen was the state’s responsibility.

He assured that the government would not tolerate spreading chaos in the name of religion and a strict action would be taken against such elements.

Interim federal ministers, members of the GB cabinet, GB chief secretary, and relevant senior officers attended the meeting.


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